For more than 30 years, Hoyles have been producing a range of multipurpose alarm indicator panels, sometimes referred to as annunciator panels, under the trademark of Multiguard.
Driven by customer demand, the range was designed to provide ‘at a glance’ indication of various types of alarm conditions.
Over the years the popularity of the Multiguard panels we supply has been maintained due to the simple and clear user interface provided. Typically located in a control room or at a reception desk, the panels can display alarms from several locations. Be it your doors, windows, perimeter systems, panic buttons, disabled toilets, nurse call alarms, environmental alarms or pool alarms, you can rely on us as the Multiguard manufacturer to provide you with the ideal system to suit your needs.
Alarms are indicated by means of LED lights which correspond to a particular zone labelled on the panel and a buzzer within the panel to draw attention to the alarm. The buzzer can be silenced by means of a push button on the panel. Once the buzzer is silenced the LED light will persist until the cause of the alarm is rectified and the reset button pressed.
Currently Multiguard systems are available in various standard guises, each of which offer different features. The main difference between models is the ability to have individual zone silence and reset functions rather than a global silence and reset.
As a Multiguard supplier we can provide custom built indicator panels to customers’ specific requirements. These custom versions usually involve larger numbers of zones and/or specific physical finishes to suit the environments where they will be used. Examples of this include stainless steel enclosures for custodial settings or polished brass cases for a more traditional look.
Custom software can also be written so the Multiguard can perform site specific requirements.
For further details regarding Multiguard, you can get in touch with our helpful team by calling 01744 886600. You can also contact us via email at [email protected].

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