Customisable Range
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- Customisable button with LEDs and sounderFrom £24.98 Ex VatProduct Code:S1703PRTC, S1703PGTC S1703PYTC, S1703PBTC
- Customisable Multi Function button with Sounder and LEDsFrom £40.72 Ex VatProduct Code:S1760PRTC, S1760PGTC S1760PYTC, S1760PBTC
- Customisable 2 position KSW Red/Green LEDs & sounder 12-24vdc£44.30 Ex VatProduct Code:S1709PRGTC
- Customisable momentary Keyswitch Red/Green LEDs & sounder 12-24vdc£50.50 Ex VatProduct Code:S1709PRGMTC
- Single gang mock stainless steel pattress 38mm deep£12.42 Ex VatProduct Code:S0610-38
- No Touch RTR with Red/Green LEDs and sounder custom text£105.32 Ex VatProduct Code:S1718SNTTC
- Two LEDs and Button with Custom text Stainless steel£92.39 Ex VatProduct Code:S1715STC
- Door status indicator, Red/Grn jumbo LEDs & sndr custom text£87.99 Ex VatProduct Code:S1717SJMTC
- Green overd'r Light & Sounder Custom text Stainless steel£92.39 Ex VatProduct Code:S1778SGTC
- Red overd'r Light & Sounder Custom text Stainless steel£92.39 Ex VatProduct Code:S1778SRTC
- Yellow overd'r Light & Sounder Custom text Stainless steel£92.39 Ex VatProduct Code:S1778SYTC
- Single gang mock stainless steel pattress 50mm deep£13.91 Ex VatProduct Code:S0610-50
- Mushroom headed latching button with LED & Custom Text£92.39 Ex VatProduct Code:S1711SLTC
- Mushroom headed momentary action Green button custom text£87.99 Ex VatProduct Code:S1712SGTC
- Mushroom headed momentary action button with Custom text£87.99 Ex VatProduct Code:S1712STC
- Mushroom headed momentary action button with LED & custom text£92.39 Ex VatProduct Code:S1712SLTC
- Mushroom headed latching button key release Custom Text£92.39 Ex VatProduct Code:S1713STC
- Mushroom headed latching button with LED, Key Release and Custom Text£98.99 Ex VatProduct Code:S1713SLTC